Wednesday, July 27, 2011

It Can't Be Done..Or Can it? Also, Planet of the Apes Review

A Group of party I mean physicists, at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology confirmed Einstein's theory that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. They did so by testing the speed of photons in a lab and some mumbo jumbo about how this proves that time travel is impossible because an effect cannot precede its cause.

To that I say "Boo!"

Even if that is true did they have to spoil it for the rest of us? I myself have a theory of space time or two that allow for time travel without the need for this cause/ effect paradox. Perhaps I'll get to them in a future post but for now I'll leave you with this thought; This study might (and I emphasize "might") disprove conventional time travel but it still allows for time dilation time travel.

Time Dilation 
What is Time Dilation? Time seems to flow at different rates in different situations. Different situations in which time flows faster or slower are called frames. You enter into a different frame as you approach the speed of light or as you approach large gravitational fields, such as a black hole. A classic example of this is a thought experiment known as the twin paradox. A set of twins are born on Earth, then one travels off into space at high speed (perhaps approaching the speed of light) and the other twin stays on Earth. When he returns the twin he left at home would be older for time flows more quickly for the relatively stationary twin. Because it is time that is dilated, everything is effected, thought processes, clocks, and aging, so both brothers feel as if time flowed normal for them. The amazing thing is, this happens every day right here on Earth at a smaller scale. If you and a friend synchronize your identical watches and one of you flies around on a plane for a while, when you meet up again, the one who stayed on the ground will have the "fast" watch. We're all time travelers!! Suck it, Hong Kong Physicists!!

Planet of the Apes
Time Dilation is what brought Charlton Heston into the future in Planet of the Apes which is why I thought it might be a good choice for my first review. I first saw Planet of the Apes when I was little and it was playing on tv. I'd never heard of it and had no idea it was such a classic. I was drawn in from the beginning as the spaceship speeds through space. I have to say I think this movie greatly contributed to my love of space travel and of time travel. It's rare to see movies today with that epic feel to them. When the three men first arrive on the planet it's so wide open, so vast, like anything could happen. It made me want to explore new worlds in my mind.

Here are some Stats on Planet of the Apes (I'll add more categories as I think of them):
Title: Planet of the Apes
Date: 1968
Causes of Temporal Displacement: Accidental (time dilation)

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